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Articles in international journals
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H. Velasco, J. Juri Ayub, M. Belli, and U. Sansone: Temporal variation of the 137Cs and 40K flux from soil to grass in semi-natural ecosystems. J. of Environ. Radioactivity 71, 225-241 (2004).

H. Velasco, E. Carreño, M Rodríguez, M. Belli and U. Sansone: Radioecological Software Package: an interactive computational system to simulate the behaviour of radionuclides in semi-natural environmentsJ. of Environ. Radioactivity, 73, 223-230. (2004).

L. Ciuffo, M. Belli, H. Velasco and U. Sansone.137Cs and 40K soil-to-plant transfer Process in Semi-natural: Grassland. Assessment of its Impact on Human Food Chain. J. Radiat. Res. 44, 277-283 (2003).

H. Velasco1, J. Juri Ayub, M. Belli, and U. Sansone: Temporal Trends of 137Cs and 40K Activity Flux from Soil to Plant in Grassland Ecosystems. In press. Journal of Environment Radioactivity (2003).

Ciuffo L. , Velasco H., Belli M. and Sansone U.: 137Cs Soil-to-plant Transfer for Individual Species in a Semi-natural Grassland. Influence of Potassium Soil Content. In press in Journal of Radiation Research. (2003).

Ciuffo L, Ulacco H, Belli M.and Velasco H. Spatial patterns of 137Cs and 40K in natural grassland and soil-to plant relationship. Radioprotection Colloques, Vol 37, (2002) EDP Sciences

Ciuffo L, Belli M, Pasquale A, Menegon S, Velasco H.: 137Cs and 40K soil-to-Plant relationship of in natural grassland of the Giulia Alps, Italy. The Science of the Total Environment 295, pp 69-80. (2002).

H.Velasco, M. Belli, B. Prister, G. Perepelyatnikov, M. Il´yn, V. Pronevitch, R. Alexakhin, N. Sanzharova, N. Arkhipov, A. Arkhipov, L. Loginova, G. Sokolik, T. Ivanova and U. Sansone.: Impact of soil properties on soil to plant transfer of Radiocaesium. Environ. Radioecol. Appl. Ecol., Vol. 7, No. 1. (2001).

J. P. Toso and R.H. Velasco: Describing the observed vertical transport of radiocesium in specific soils with three time-dependent models. J. of Environ. Radioactivity 53. (2001) 133-144.

Velasco R H., Toso J., Belli M. and Sansone U.: Radiocesium in Northeastern Part of Italy after the Chernobyl Accident: Vertical Soil Transport and Soil to Plant Transfer. J. Environ. Radioactivity. Vol 37/1. pp 73-84. 1997.

Chamard P., Velasco R.H., Belli M., Ingrao G., and Sansone U.: Caesium?137 and Strontium?90 distribution in a soil profile. The Science of the Total Environment. 136, 251?258. (1993).

Velasco R.H., Belli M., Sansone U. and Menegon S.: Vertical Transport of Radiocesium in Surface Soils: Model Implementation and Dose-Rate Computation. Health Phys. 64(1) pp 37?44. (1993).