RSP On Line
Articles in international journals
Conference proceedings, book articles and reports

Ciuffo L, Ulacco J., Belli M, Velasco H.: Comparison of spatial patterns of 137Cs and 40K in natural grassland soil and soil-to-plant relationship. Aceptado en Proceeding ECORAD-2001. International Congress on the Radioecology-Ecotoxicology of Continental and Estuarie Environments. 2001.

H Velasco: The Rabes Model. In Long-Term Dynamics of radionuclides in Semi-Natural Environments: Derivation of Parameters and Modelling. Ed. M. Belli. European Comisión. Nuclear Fisión Safety Programme. ISBN 88-448-0286-4. (2000).

Velasco H.: Radioecology in Argentina. Newsletter International Union of Radioecology. N.34, pp 13-14. (1999).

Rodríguez M. y Velasco H.: Determinación de la tasa de dosis debida a gama emisores depositados en el suelo. Simulación de Monte Carlo. Proceeding of the Argentinian Physical Society. V 10. pp 310-312. 1998.
Rodríguez M. y Velasco H.: Tasa de dosis debida a gama emisores depositados en el suelo con perfiles exponenciales en la profundidad. Simulación de Monte Carlo. Proceeding of the Argentinian Physical Society. Vol 10. pp 351-353. 1998.

Toso J. y Velasco H.: Transporte de 137Cs en suelo y su transferencia a la vegetación. Proceeding of the Argentinian Physical Society.Vol. 9. pp 396-398 (1997).

Fersenko S., Bunzl K., Belli M., Velasco R. H. et al.: Mathematical Modelling of Radionuclide Migration in Components of Meadow Ecosystems. The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Proceeding of First International Conference Minsk, Belarus. March 1996. De. Karaoglou, G. Desmet, G. Kelly and H. Menzel. EUR 16544 EN. pp 197-201. 1996.

Belli M., Velasco H., Prister B.: Radionuclides tranfer factors from soil to meadow vegetation and their classification on the basis of ecological characteristics. Report of the European Commision EUR 16531 EN. Ed. M. Belli and F. Tikhomirov. pp 105-112. 1996.

J. Toso y H. Velasco: Modelo Simple para el Transporte de Radionúclidos en el Suelo. Proceeding of the Argentinian Physical Society. Vol. 6. pp382-386. 1996.

Belli M., Velasco H., Prister B., Perepelyatnikov G. et al: Radionuclides Transfer Factors from Soil to Meadow Vegetation and their Classification on the Basis of Ecological Characteristics. Final Report ECP-5 Project. Cap. VII.5.3. Ed. M. Belli and F. Tikhomirov. European Comission. 1995.

Velasco R. H., Belli M. and Sansone U.: Soil to plant transfer factor of Radiocesium in Northeastern of Italy after the Chernobyl Accident. Abstract of the World Congress on Medical Physics. Physics in Medicine & Biology. Vol 39 a. Part 2. (1994).

Velasco R.H., Belli M., Feoli E. Sansone U.: Il modello RAMUS Radionuclides Migration in Undisturbed Soils. AIRP, Modellistica di Sistemi Complessi e Radioprotezione. Convegno Nazionale 1990. Enea Edizione. (1991).

Velasco R.H., Belli M., Menegon S., Sansone U.: La migrazione del Cs-137 nei suoli indisturbati. Sicurezza e Protezione. Enea. Vol. 23-24, p. 49-52. (1990).